I am so excited to finally be able to post a before-after set of pictures for this space. I started working on the room back in 2010 but life got in the way and not much got accomplished. My photos were even featured on one of Lorie’s webinars and she gave me lots of great ideas for the space. Fast forward to 2012 when I chose the word FINISH as my focus word for the year. The first major project I was determined to FINISH was my office/craft space. Thanks to a great idea for a double sided desk on Pinterest, I was able to clear out a lot of unneeded furniture and focus on making this space a great usable space for me to retreat to away from my three wonderful boys. I built my version of the desk, as well as the window seat bench I have always wanted. Now my space is not only usable, but inviting and relaxing. I can’t say enough wonderful things about all of the great experts and friend I have made here at Clutter Diet. They have been holding my hand and encouraging me each step of the way. I hope to be able to keep this momentum going forward and slowly make my way through each and every space in my house in 2012.
Thanks again!

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