Beth from New York commented on the blog last week that she'd like to get some guidelines for donating, so she makes sure that she is being a Conscious Donor of her belongings and a good steward to the environment and the community! Good idea, Beth! I can certainly speak to Goodwill's guidelines in general… Read more »
The Clutter Diet Blog
Don’t Agonize, Modularize! The Cure for Big Bags
Yes, the cure for big bags… but not those under one’s eyes, unfortunately! Just the cure for organizing the bulky baggage we are all hauling around, like giant purses, backpacks, and suitcases. This post was inspired by a friend (L.L.– you know who you are!) who digs around in her very large purse. When you… Read more »
Please Read: My Personal Challenge to Companies, to Colleagues, and to YOU

It’s official… I am blissfully in love with life and with my work, and I want to sincerely and passionately explain to you WHY. Please bear with me on the length of this post, because if you could see my face right now, you’d know that this article matters. I am imploring you to hear… Read more »
Big Announcement! The Clutter Diet Works with Goodwill

June 28, 2010 This just in… we are proud to announce that our founder Lorie is serving as national spokesperson for Goodwill Industries International, and as ambassador for “THE DONATE MOVEMENT!” We are honored to represent Goodwill Industries International! Lorie is serving as the national spokesperson to launch the Donate Movement, a new social responsibility… Read more »
Press Release: The Clutter Diet Works with Goodwill®
June 28, 2010 THE CLUTTER DIET WORKS WITH GOODWILL® TO LAUNCH NATIONAL DONATE MOVEMENT TO HELP CONSUMERS REDUCE WASTE AND IMPROVE COMMUNITIES Decluttering Efforts Turn into Viable Donations and Launch the “Donate Movement” June 28, 2010 – Austin, TX — Lorie Marrero, Creator and Chief Executive Organizer of The Clutter Diet (, has been chosen… Read more »
Goodwill Donate Movement Radio Media Tour
June 28, 2010 Lorie announced her position as the national spokesperson for Goodwill Industries International at their annual delegate assembly. She was interviewed on 20 radio shows including Voice of America (VOA broadcasts to more than 90 million listeners worldwide including Armed Forces Radio.). Click here to read the official press release for the… Read more »
Big Announcement: Join Me in Supporting Goodwill’s Donate Movement!

I am so excited and pleased to announce that The Clutter Diet® is partnering with Goodwill Industries International to launch the Donate Movement! Visit to see all of the details. I am in Tacoma today serving as their national spokesperson and ambassador of the movement, speaking at the launch event and doing a radio… Read more »
7 Useful Folder Categories You Might Not Be Using
Filing is typically a fairly personal thing, varying because of how people's brains work differently and the fact that people have unique experiences and memories and triggers. There are some standard file folder label names that almost everybody has in their file drawers, like "Bank Statements" or "Medical Insurance," but here are a few practical… Read more »
Be a Force of Nature!
I collect quotes, and I just ran into this one that I couldn't wait to share with you: "This is the true joy in life, the being used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one; the being thoroughly worn out before you are thrown out on the scrap heap; the being a… Read more »
Families With Purpose Radio Interview
June 22, 2010 Host Polly Schlafhauser, Founder and President of Families with Purpose interviews Lorie on her radio program about how she got started in the organizing business. Aired June 22, 2010. Need help getting organized? Here are 3 ways we can help: Get our FREE report, “30 Ways to Find Time to Get… Read more »