I believe that I am in the "personal change" business, and organizing is my topic. Organizing is a change in itself, and it's also a means to make other, bigger changes. Organizing yourself makes room for new things to come into your life and space.
Our biggest enemy in personal change of all kinds is FEAR. People are afraid to let go of things, afraid to say no to others, afraid to fail, and afraid to succeed. FEAR STINKS, and what's more infuriating about fear is that it's usually just a mirage. The things we fear rarely come to pass. So I made up my mind long ago not to let fear "be the boss of me."
Last week I attended an event that eWomen Network hosted for "Fearless Women Day." While I truly appreciate the spirit and intention of the event, I think the name is inaccurate. To me, the victory is in feeling the fear and acting in spite of it. I am not sure if it would be possible to be "fearless," nor would our victories taste so sweet.
So I'd like to share with you something new that really inspires me when I am facing fears. I recently went to Italy on vacation for the first time, and I got to see two different statues of David– one, the famous Michelangelo statue in Florence, and the other, in Rome at the Galleria Borghese, by Gian Lorenzo Bernini.
While Michelangelo's David is classic and beautiful, he is posed and still. Bernini's David is in ACTION, and he is captured in the moment of confronting his fear. I love his face! His expression is one of determination, courage, and focus. (click on any of these photos for a larger view)
In remembering the old story of fighting the giant Goliath, it reminds me of our own challenges that seem to loom large and are then often surprisingly conquered easily given courage and action. As an entrepreneur I feel like I have to do something scary almost every day!
And our Clutter Diet members share their journeys with us in our member message boards, where we occasionally hear about their organizing goals in terms of the bigger stories that both motivate and scare them as they face what needs to be done. Organizing is about more than just closets and garages and the stuff within them– the projects sometimes represent situations like aging parents, estranged family members, grief-stricken parents, and brave people winning battles with depression.
Whatever your situation, don't let fear stop you from doing what must be done. May we all have the same intensity as Bernini's David as we approach our projects, big or small!
What do you think of David's fierce and inspiring face? How have you learned to face your fears, and what inspires you? Share in the comments!

Follow me on Twitter for my Daily #ClutterTweetTip: www.twitter.com/clutterdiet
(photo credits: Michelangelo's David from istockphoto.com. Bernini's David, full view, from Creative Commons license here. Bernini's David, face, found here.)
Great article!
Good article and I agree. The title turned me off but I’m glad I read the blog (it’s not at all about David’s clothing…or lack thereof…but it does grab attention). Bravo BERNINI!
I saw both of these statues while in Italy and wondered about the two different presentations at the time. I came to the conclusion that while Bernini put robes on his David and Michelanglo didn’t both were a testiment to man’s abilities.
I sometimes feel like Bernini’s full of fear and determination as I learn, it is a slow learning curve, to deal with a chronic illness. Other times though I feel more like the beautiful David of muscle and sinew and healthfulness.
Great article. I like the action guy – filled with determination!
Interesting observation
belief can cure fear. when we believe in profitability prospects of an undertaking we conquer fear of losing money and invest. when we believe that we can be happy with someone we marry and conquer fear of running into a heartbreak.
and when we believe in the most Powerful SuperBeing: omnipotent and omnipresent we cure ourselves from the fear of the entire world.
It’s when we know that no harm or good can come to us unless God decrees/wills it, we stop fearing and start living.
Agreed that there is no such thing as fearless. fear is an emotion. humans cannot do away with emotions. so all we can do is to deal with it. and how do we do that?
since everything is relative: like love; we have love for everyone but for some people our love is greater and hence we give all to those people. That means one greater love makes love for others shrink or become manageable.
Same with fear, if we have a greater fear for One being then our fears of the rest shrink and become manageable.
PS. belief is a thought and fear too is a thought. but they are those thoughts that live in the heart and not mind.
All three statues show the knowledge of the “DAVID AND GOLIATH” story found in I Samuel chapter 17. Michelangelo’s “David” represents how David went out to conquer Goliath without King Saul’s armor–which was too big and unfamiliar to him. Showing how David went ‘unclothed’ or as someone going into war without the usual gear.
And Bernini’s “David” is in ACTION, during the time in which the actual fight occurs.
Then please take a look at Donatello’s “David” which represents the ‘Victory’ with GOD’s help. I love David here, with his foot on Goliath’s head.
I like both. To me one shows quiet thought and the other fierce action. I use both qualities to keep my life free of clutter – I think about it, then I act.
Love this “Don’t let fear stop you from doing what must be done.” Great words!