Closed September 2017

Designing the Best 10 Years of Your Life

Successcover If you are a regular reader, you know that I am constantly talking about how getting organized is not just about your belongings– it's about the life you want to create. At this time of year most of us are thinking about how we want to change, what we want to do differently… and I have found a great way for you to do some higher-level goal-setting, for FREE, from someone who really knows what he is talking about.

Darren Hardy is the publisher of SUCCESS Magazine, one of my favorite, favorite, favorite publications! As you can imagine, I do not subscribe to many magazines as they create a lot of clutter. But I love SUCCESS because it has so many people's stories that inspire me and help me learn. I also like that it comes with an audio CD each month that I upload to my iPod to listen to while I am exercising or doing housework.

I just was contacted by Darren's assistant to let my readers know that he is offering his "Designing the Best Ten Years of Your Life" program for free on his blog, starting today, January 5, 2010 (you can also sign up later on if you want– you don't have to start exactly today). You can go here to sign up to receive the emails for the program and watch his video that explains what he's offering. This is a program he gives as a seminar for $1500 a person and privately for $5000 a day. He is giving away all of the worksheets, etc. that he normally uses. I am going to go through the program myself and I am really excited to see what he's got!

So if organizing is part of your plan of change, I am here for you with our program, my book, and other resources specific to this aspect of your life. But if you want to get into the bigger picture– which often gives you the clarity you need to get that organizing work DONE!– you might want to check out Darren's program.

Let me know if you like it! Comment here on what you think. I will be doing the exercises as well and we'll see what happens!

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Lorie Marrero

How’s everyone doing? I did some of the worksheets this week while waiting for appointments and my son’s guitar lesson. I really loved the first set of worksheets. I realized what a great decade I have had! I believe gratitude has become my new religion. It’s so powerful!!
– Lorie


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