Flat surfaces like countertops, desks, and tables are one of the first collection places for clutter– and they are also places that need to be cleaned, worked on, and straightened up often.
Sometimes you need to have certain things out and handy all the time on these surfaces. (Our members and those who have read my book know this as "A" stuff.) For me, that is sticky notes on my desk. But when I clean my desk off at the end of the day, it's much easier because I have them corralled in a dish. Here is a picture of my little star dish that I use (click image for a larger view).
I also have set up many people's kitchens with little bowls and trays like this picture of my kitchen beverage tray (also can click this image for a larger view). I need to have straws and sweeteners and tea tools out all the time, but I need to be able to easily move them and wipe off my countertops.
You can use this concept anywhere things need to have a home but still be out and at the ready. It's a way to provide more storage space and still look neat. In bathrooms, you may have a bowl of toiletries you want to leave out on the counter so you can easily wash your face at night and do your evening routine without losing drawer space for other items. In kitchens, you might have a canister full of cooking utensils out next to the stove.
What do you have sitting around that might be more easily managed in a dish, bowl, or tray? Tell us in the comments!

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I use a small decorative steel basket near my bedside that I keep my evening medications in, as well as hair-clips (for when I take my hair down at the end of the day), fingernail trimmers, and various lotions and potions. It’s easy to lift the basket to dust under it and it keeps my bedside stuff all in one place where I can easily find it.
I have found that having containers like this is really, really helpful. They literally ‘contain’ the things and stop them gradually spreading around…
I use them for all sorts these days!
Hi Lorie,
We have a basket sitting on our computer desk which holds a couple of pens, a notebook, kleenex and any bills that need to be paid. It’s easy to move out of the way to clean or get more space quickly and it keeps everything within easy reach.
We also have baskets in the van, the kitchen, rec room etc…I find it helps control clutter that we just haven’t had a chance to get to yet.
Hi Lorie,
I have a box next to my dryer where I put clothes that are going to a charity as soon as they are cleaned (kids stuff that’s outgrown, etc.). When the box is full, it goes to the charity. Those items never make it back upstairs into closets!
I keep the bathroom a little more organized with a basket that has all of my every-day cleansers, makeup, moisturizers, etc. in it and put it away below the sink because it’s messy looking. On the counter, I have a pottery baking dish that holds my hair care products. It’s easy to move and when it gets dirty, I just pop it in the dishwasher. As a gallery owner, I remind you to make your “dish” or container something that’s beautiful to you. It can be a souvenir from a trip or an heirloom tray from grandma or something that “goes with the decor”. Just make it something special that adds a smile to your day!!
I use this idea all around the house – here’s a few. On the kitchen is a red plate – at night it’s where I drop my car keys, vitamins/meds for the next morning, watch, and glasses. Really helps when dashing out the door in the morning. On my dresser is a mother-of-pearl plate that catches any jewelry I remove. Since I tend to wear some items every day; I only deal with the jewelry box once a week. In the guest room is an empty basket for guests to corral thier stuff when visiting; the guest bath has a basket of things they might need. Marie is right – what you use should make you smile!
When our small microwave died, I took the glass dish out and placed it under my toaster. Cleaning up crumbs is so easy. The dish is large enough to hold the loaf of bread too!
I have a plastic bin on the dryer to catch all of the books that need to be returned to the library. Finished your book? Put it in the blue bin and no more scouring the house looking for an overdue book. We have a wicker basket on the counter to catch papers that we still need for a few weeks. I sift through it about once a month to cull the herd! I also coralled all of ‘my’ things on the bathroom counter into one container. I don’t know why it took me so long to figure that one out – it is SO much easier to clean the counter now! Thanks for the great blog and tips!
I recently put a rectangle wicker basket at end of the family desk for paper recyclables. Eliminated many trips to the recycle bin in the garage.
Having read this post (and several others on your blog) I will be getting some little containers first thing in the morning. I think you’d cringe if you saw my desk – unopened mail, open mail, pens, sticky notes, books, scrap pads…. bit of a mess really. I like the idea of the containers to manage everything, and of also cleaning my desk at the end of every day.