Most homes have at least one place, like the garage, basement, guest room or attic, where things "go to die." You could also call these spaces “The Final Frontier” for your clutter. It’s the place where, if you can't make a decision, you have just “put it there for now," and it has wasted away from then on.
To clear out a "Clutter Cemetery," you need to focus heavily on decision-making. It’s time for some “tough love” with some of those unused things that are weighing down your life. A good rule of thumb is to discard anything you have not used in one year, or if your current year has been a strange and atypical one, make it two.
In Clutter Cemetery situations you will need to make sure you’re ready with resources to quickly get rid of what you’ve decided to purge. Figure out what charity will pick your items up and make an appointment for them to come.
Better yet– now that you understand this concept, why not try to prevent Clutter Cemeteries from happening in the first place? Try not to delay decisions about items and let them stockpile. Do you have a Clutter Cemetery in your house?

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Two clutter cemetaries – the garage and attic. But then they get purged regularly, once or twice a year. Sometime that “way station” helps me to let go of some things (mentally). And every once in awhile I rescuse something out of there because I need it. So I am more likely to purge out of the house because I know it is kind of like the trash bin on my computer….I can recall it if needed. I think the key is being regular with the purge of the cemetary areas. I know it seems inefficient, but it works for me.
Lorie, talk about relateable. I do have a clutter cemetery. I actually have two. One is full so I don’t use it any more and I found a new one in a spare bedroom. Reading your post is timely. I need to get out and clear the original one before it get’s too hot and then I need to clear the other one. I’m sure it will be very freeing.
What a great “Mind Over Matter” concept! I can’t wait to get started in my project space in our basement.
This describes our basement perfectly. In fact, my husband began the process of purging a couple weeks ago, and he feels SO much better that it’s inspired me to get crackin’!
Your post has further inspired me, and I think tonight will be a good night to get started!
I have many clutter cemetaries and today I am going to clean them out.. I need to just do it. I have worked on my weight loss and now I need to work on other areas of my life.. like my closet!! lol.. I need to match my life with my new weight loss that I am so happy about lately so I can stick with it and share my life with someone. I recommend fit4lyfe if you want to lose weight with this site.. I love the support.
My guess is everyone has or had a clutter cemetery. Having just blended a home I have two, our garage and now a storage unit that we pay a monthly fee on. Both need to disappear. You are right though. I have to be in that pitching mind set, willing to let go of the heart string items!