Closed September 2017

Do You Want to 10X Your Life?

MagnifyingglassI just attended an event in New York that was teaching people how to "10X" their businesses. Sounds really great, doesn't it? Ten times more revenue? In a business scenario, that could be wonderful.

But 10X your possessions? I don't think that would be wise. Nor do I think you would want to 10X the size of your house. Growth or expansion for its own sake does not always make sense. Before you go asking the universe to give you 10X more abundance, make sure you're clear on what that means.

As a woman, I relate to "10X" in terms of, well, magnifying mirrors. People tend to think that "more is better," but those of us who pluck eyebrows and such know that 10X is not always a positive thing. Wrinkles, fine lines, and large pores are much better at normal size, thank you very much!  🙂

If you could 10X anything in your life, what would it be? And would that necessarily be smart?

  • What would you multiply?  What would you want to "geometrically expand?" For me, I would want multiples of joy, of profit, of time spent on personal hobbies and travel.
  • What would you magnify? What small things would you want to make bigger? For me, it would be my gratitude, my energy, my enthusiasm, my message.
  • What would you want to minimize? What are the small things that, when blown up to 10X, you do NOT want to see?  Inefficiencies need to get solved so they don't magnify along with your positive growth.

Live abundantly! And when your closets are full, remember that the "problem" of clutter is one of abundance– so as always, I wish for you all to be happy and grateful for having MORE than enough.

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