I just got clued in by my Clutter Diet members in the message boards to a growing economic (and gastronomic!) trend… trying to use up what you already have in the fridge, freezer, and pantry to save money. I am so thrilled to weigh in on this topic, as I am of course a big believer in how being organized can help this process!
We always talk about how one of the main goals of any organizing project is VISIBILITY. If you can't see it, you probably don't know you have it, and if you don't know you have it, you are not going to use it. So the first step in "Eating Down the Fridge" is to organize it so you know exactly what you have and can easily reach items to use them.
Whether the fridge, freezer, or pantry, start with a big heavy duty garbage bag. Get rid of the deadwood… excess packaging from warehouse stores, expired items, dried up stuff, and things that are growing appendages. Group like items together and label shelves and bins if possible to help it stay organized long term. We like using small bins within the refrigerator to group items you're always getting out at the same time, like sandwich condiments or jams & jellies.
For the freezer, it's often helpful to make a list of what you have, since things tend to get packed tightly and visibility is more difficult. You can use a small write on/wipe off board on the freezer door and remove things from the list as they are used. You can also make lists of pantry and fridge items if you like, just to jog your memory about what you have.
We have seen many resources online for using up random ingredients. Here are a few places to go when you just have a jar of dijon mustard, some wasabi paste, and a clove of garlic and are trying to think what the heck to make out of it: http://allrecipes.com/Search/Ingredients.aspx, http://www.cheffy.com/recipefinder, and if you are a member of my friend Aviva's menu planning website, Six O'Clock Scramble, you can do these searches in their member area.
Read more about "Eating Down the Fridge" in this Washington Post article. And search Twitter for the hashtag #eatfridge to see what other people are doing. This is big, people! Great way to save money by getting organized.

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I’m a proponent of small refrigerators because things don’t get lost as much in them.
About once a month I have to go through the frig and freezer with the larger garbage bag, then vow to not be so wasteful in the future. I need a system up front that prevents the waste, starting with unnecessary purchases at the grocery store. Probably not going to the store hungry would help.
Before I go shopping, I cut up and throw all of the veggies in my fridge into a stock pot with some broth and potatoes, and make a stew. This really reduces the amount of veggies that are wasted.