As our definition of what it means to be organized, we teach that you should strive to be N.E.A.T.E.R.:
Not perfect, but…
Effective- doing what works best
Always improving
True to your style
Efficient- not wasting time and energy
Ready for anything- being prepared for life
(NEATER acronym © 2006-2009, Clutter Diet, Inc.)
Yesterday I was so happy that I was "Ready for anything" and prepared. Wouldn't you know, the garage door was temporarily broken, so I was locked out, and I was so glad I had hidden a key for emergencies! They make these metal key boxes that you can stick onto something (photo from Amazon) and also these fake rock things are available (photo also from Amazon). These can be a lifesaver! When I was locked out, the dog and I had mud all over ourselves from our walk and I had a meeting in about an hour. Not sure what I would have done. (Of course, judge for yourself the security risks of hiding your key and don't put it in a super-obvious place like under your doormat.)
I also wrote here a while back about having an "Emergency Twenty." This is the practice of always keeping a twenty-dollar bill in a special place in your car. (read that previous post here) I also keep a change purse with a bunch of quarters for downtown parking meters. My Emergency Twenty has gotten me out of many a jam involving lunch money and parking garages.
And of course, we are getting into hurricane season, so those of you on the coastlines need to be prepared in a much bigger way. My family of in-laws is in Puerto Rico, so they are very aware of being prepared with a generator and lots of water. (I went through Hurricane Hortense in 1996 & Hurricane Marilyn in 1995 when we lived there! It was like our whole house was going through a super-scary car wash.) Here's a great site for hurricane preparedness for your convenience.
What else could YOU do today to be more prepared for what life throws at you? Are there things that recur in your life that you could solve and prevent? Our members just got finished updating their First Aid Kits for the summer bug bites and sunburns… Share your own ideas in the comments! (Happy 4th, USA readers!)

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I love the NEATER accronym.
When I was working in the offices, girls would always come to me because I always had what they needed – asprin, tums, nail file, nail polish, even a screw driver!
If I’m going shopping for decorating items, I take a tape measure, and the measurements of the area I’m decorating. Actually, the tape measure stays in my purse. You never know….
When my daughter was little, I carried every medicine we might need, seriously – childrens tylenol, something for colds and allergies, stomach stuff, crayons and paper, water bottles, and anything I could think of to make sure that our day would not be spoiled.
I have all this stuff in my purse that I rarely use, just in case… It seems silly – until you actually need it.
I always keep a coat or jacket in my car. In Michigan weather, you never know what the weather will be at any given time. I have others, but that is one of my “must haves.”
Great thoughts. I should definitely have a key out somewhere for the off chance the garage door will not go up. Living in the desert, I make sure to bring something to drink in the car when ever going out. I live 3 miles from shopping areas so if I have a car break down half way, a mile and a half walk in 110 degrees can seem like 20. In and out of these dry temps can be very dehydrating so its good to have water handy. I don’t keep the bottled water in my car after all of the hype about plastic bottles in the heat. Would love to know if there is any truth to the reported dangers. Until then the bottled water goes in and out like my purse!
I have a dear friend that keeps her coupons in a sandwich ziplock bag in her purse so that she always has access to them. Can’t tell you how many times I have been in a store at the register and realize that I have left the coupon in the car or at home.