Closed September 2017

Financial Situation: Save Your Cash a Little Money: Tips to Reduce Impulsive Buying Decisions

Impulsive buying is exciting and fun for people who have a lot of money to throw away. For those who dont have the money tree growing in your back yard, save your cash a little money with some of these tips next time you are out shopping.

Lorie Marrero, author of The Clutter Diet, recommends asking yourself the following questions before making a purchase. Where will this be stored? When will I have time to use it and maintain it? You can also find these questions (with a few other good ones) on a free printable wallet sleeve provided by Clutter when you sign up for their free newsletter. This concept is one of the most genius approaches to curving impulse shopping. As exciting as it is to think about new stuff, its less exciting to think about where you are going to store it and who is going to clean it.

Instead of a buy it now pay it later option, opt for a want it now and buy it later option. You have earned and deserve the best in life, and the best in life is financial security resulting from the hard earned savings. If you find yourself really wanting the item, you can plan its purchase at the most strategic time depending on your wants and needs and the deal you get on the item whether you wait for a sale or find a competitor who sells the same exact item cheaper.

Try to reduce or eliminate distractions while you shop. For the same reasons you wouldnt want to grocery shop while you are hungry, you also want to avoid other distractions such as intense emotions, children (get a babysitter if it is at all an option), and cell phone conversations (they are more distracting while you shop than while you drive making them even more deadly in the store).

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