A couple of weeks ago I went to New York, and I was fortunate to catch a StorySLAM event put on by TheMoth.org. I was so excited–I have always wanted to go! The Moth is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the art of live storytelling. I am a fan of This American Life on NPR,… Read more »
How To Finally Change Your Ways
I am in love with a book again. This time it's called Switch: How to Change Things When Change Is Hard, by Chip & Dan Heath (they also wrote another very cool book, Made to Stick). I like it SO much I am going to write a series about it here on the blog for… Read more »
7 Ways Disorganization is Costing You BIG MONEY
Today I was answering our member message boards and one of our members mentioned she had a "find that paper" crisis this weekend that almost cost her $300. Whew! Dodged that bullet! This story brought to mind the enormous cost of disorganization. I hear examples of loss like these all the time: Late fees paid… Read more »
Top 5 Common Household Objects You Can Use to Get Organized
While there are many excellent specialty organizing products out there (including our own!), don't always feel like you have to trek down to a specialty store to get organized… there are plenty of household items you have around already! Here are my top five favorites: Rubber bands. I was just sorting some map colors with… Read more »
Messy Kids & Spouse? Help is On the Way!
Exciting news! Many of our Clutter DietĀ® members talk with us about how their families ruin their organizing efforts. I just read that there is a new pharmaceutical option that will likely be available in April 2011– yes, you heard that right, a drug! The name is AssistrinĀ®, and you'll soon be able to get… Read more »
Reform Your Own Health Care- Get Organized!
I don't mean politically organized… I mean literally, personally, getting organized for better health care! Now that we have health care reform legislation passed here in the United States, it's a great time to talk about this, whether you agree with the actual politics or not. (And please, let's refrain from discussing ALL THAT in… Read more »
3 Ways to Turn Your Clutter into Cash!

Wouldn't it be great if you could turn your clutter into some good old-fashioned green cash? According to an eBay/Nielsen survey, the average American household has about $3000 worth of valuable items waiting to be cashed in! Here are three ways to capitalize on fashion mistakes, impulse purchases, and things that have outlasted their usefulness…. Read more »
Is Your Stuff Speaking to You? What Is It Saying?
I was just writing responses in our member message boards today (our expert team provides unlimited consultation to our members 7 days a week, in case I haven't told you!). One of our members is saving a wheelchair that used to be her mother's, just in case she might need it herself someday. It got… Read more »
Top Five JUMBO Space Hogs in Your Home
I love the concept of "low-hanging fruit," the things that are easiest to do that bring fast, significant rewards. Identifying large clutter that you can easily remove is a great way to reclaim your space. Here are five of the biggest "space hogs" that we see in clients' homes that are so easy to resolve…… Read more »
The Mental Clutter of Defeatist Language
I have written recently a couple of posts on mental clutter– "The Poisonous Mental Clutter of Worry" and "Ease Your Mind Using the Bookmark Principle." Continuing on that theme, today I want to discourage you from thinking discouraging thoughts and speaking defeatist language about yourself and to yourself. I have often heard clients and our… Read more »