It’s that time again…once a month I write a column for Connections for Women online magazine. This month’s theme is "Harvest- Reaping What You Sow." Here is an excerpt: No farmer would ever expect to see a crop ready for harvest in a field unless he had first planted the seeds, watered them, and cared… Read more »
Worst Organizing Dilemmas
I was just asked in a press interview, "What is the worst organizing dilemma you’ve come across and how were you able to fix it?" I thought long and hard about that. I can recall many projects that seemed difficult at first and then we figured it out with the right methods, products, and elbow… Read more »
Prevent Clutter Where It Starts! New Wallet Reminder Sleeves

I am so excited to share with you our new free "Wallet Reminder Sleeves!" They help you prevent clutter from coming in your door with a reminder of the five questions you should always ask before purchasing… Take a look at this one-minute video to see how they work: (click here if you can’t see… Read more »
Doing the Right Thing
A dear friend of mine (Hi, Barry!) showed me a very funny and timely editorial cartoon that combines the recent hurricanes in the news with getting organized. It’s very clever! Wish I could show it to you! I wanted to put it in my blog post right here, but in the interest of "doing the… Read more »
What are You Passionate About?
My latest article was just posted for Connections for Women… I wrote about how getting organized helps you make time for the things you are most passionate about in life. In the article I share the four questions that organized people are always asking themselves! I am passionate about what I do, because I really… Read more »
Labor Day Special: Celebrating Great Places to Work
Last week I visited my sister in Seattle, and when I visited her office I was inspired to take photos and share them with you– it was one of the coolest offices I have ever seen! Click on these photos to get larger versions. (Middle photo was one of their conference rooms. Third one is… Read more » Names Me a “Favorite Organizer!”
Thank you very much to Deborah and Terry over at, who just named me one of their Favorite Organizers on their Mrs. Organized Blog! What an honor to be named along with many of my friends! The other favorite organizers are: Laura Leist, Eliminate Chaos® John Trosko, Organizing LA Maria Gracia, Get Organized Now!™… Read more »
Get Daily “ClutterTweetTips” & Top Ten Twitter Tips

I have been experimenting with doing a daily organizing tip on Twitter since early July, and it’s getting great feedback and lots of followers! If you want to see these tips every morning, you can "follow me" on Twitter here: Here are some examples of our ClutterTweetTips: Buying towels- either color code for each… Read more »
August’s theme at Connections For Women is "Power," and I really enjoyed writing this month’s article, because I have been around some amazing and powerful women lately… in New York, at the eWomen Network conference, and in my daily life in Austin. It’s so inspiring to figure out the common themes that make these women… Read more »
I’m on The Big Idea with Donny Deutsch Tonight (Monday)!
Our FeedBlitz e-mail subscribers won’t get this until Tuesday, so hopefully shortly I will have a link to provide to the show… I am going to be on tonight as a "surprise" to fellow guest Britt Menzies, stressed out Mompreneur and founder of I will be going to visit her soon to help her… Read more »