We always say that being organized is about being prepared…so be ready for the US postal rate increase effective this Monday 5/12/08. A first class letter will be going up one penny from 41 cents to 42 cents. You can still stock up tomorrow (Saturday) on the "Forever" stamps for 41 cents that will be… Read more »
Material World: What is Your Most Valued Possession?
What if you didn’t have so much “stuff” to organize? What does “enough” look like? One of my favorite books “ever” is Material World: A Global Family Portrait, by Peter Menzel. During this time of Earth Day when everyone has been examining their wasteful ways, this book really brings things into perspective. (book cover photo… Read more »
Organizing Bloggers: Sharing the Link Love!
At the NAPO Conference, John Trosko, Monica Ricci and I organized a get-together for the organizer bloggers. I don’t have a copy of the whole group photo, but you can see one here on Brandie Kajino’s site. We had a great turnout of over 2 dozen of us from literally all over the world, and… Read more »
Organizing Magic Wand Now Available!
At long last! Now you can just wave your clutter away with ClutterMagic®! Simply brandish the wand in the room of your choice and at once, all items will find their homes and put themselves away. Imagine all of the feelings of embarrassment and being overwhelmed by your home just vanishing into thin air! You… Read more »
We have a Piece of Flair on Facebook!
If you are into the social networking site Facebook, you might know about the application called "Pieces of Flair," which are shiny buttons you can put on your profile page to show your personality. (Of course this is inspired by the movie Office Space where Jennifer Aniston’s character is advised about how many pieces of… Read more »
Swap Books at Work
One of our Clutter Diet members in the UK was telling us in the member message boards that they have a book swap shelf at work. That is BRILLIANT! Why not do this in your own workplace? Here are the benefits: Gives your gently used books a good home (and gets them out of your… Read more »

Remember how Bambi and the other animals in the forest talked about being "twitterpated?" Well, I am kind of twitterpated over "Twitter." Some of you might have noticed my little "Twitter Updates" feed in the right sidebar of my blog page. It’s kind of like a mini-blog. When I first heard about it, I thought,… Read more »
Gutter Ball Days
Last night I went bowling. Frankly, I had a really rotten day, and I was glad it was our "family night" because I didn’t need to worry about dinner. It was my son’s turn to choose where we went, and we had a great time visiting the "300" bowling place here in Austin. Now, I… Read more »
I’m on Lifehack Live- BlogTalkRadio 3/6/08
Hi everybody! I’ll be the guest tomorrow, Thursday 3/6/08, on Lifehack Live’s show on BlogTalkRadio. The show is at noon Central time, which is 10 Pacific, 11 Mountain, and 1 Eastern. The call-in number is (347) 838-8244. The show will be about 45 minutes long. Come join us!
How to Quit Holding Yourself Back
We always say that getting organized is about having the education, motivation, and support required to make personal change. Education and support can come from others, but motivation ultimately has to come from within you… so how is it that we keep holding ourselves back? I am reading a fantastic book right now called Mindset:… Read more »