Closed September 2017

Got Collections?

Antiquepainting_2You might imagine in our organizing work that we run into a lot of people’s collections.  Whether it’s art, comic books, figurines, matchbooks, wine labels, stamps, or dolls, we often advise people that if you have a collection, you really should find a way to display and enjoy it… if it’s sitting in a box somewhere that you can’t see it, where’s the sport in that? 

If you are not able to display your collection physically in your home, you now can display and enjoy it online! My friend here in Austin is one of the founders of iTaggit, a site dedicated to collectors and their stuff.  You can get a free account and make it either public or private.  You can upload photos of your "stuff" and assign monetary values to it, attach documents to it (maybe a certificate of authenticity or something), and write a description of it.  It’s very intuitive and easy to use, and it’s fun to look at other people’s collections too!  You can even trade things and add your own comments to items.  We think this is a great tool for collectors and we’re excited that the iTaggit community is now available to celebrate them!

Filed under: General

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