Has anyone ever had this problem? You are trying to coordinate a group of various people for a dinner party or a meeting or some other activity. Everyone has different schedules– I am not available on Tuesdays, I can come Wednesdays but not Thursdays, etc. What’s worse is when you’re coordinating a conference call and people are in different time zones!
I just found this great tool called Meeting Wizard, www.meetingwizard.com. It’s free and it just flat-out solves this problem. You propose some times and send notices to everyone involved, who then come to the site and indicate their availability. From there you can see where the majority of people match up, then send everyone a notification of the decided time.
I am going to a conference in the spring, and I have friends from all over the country who are going to be there. We are trying to see if we can all find time to have breakfast or otherwise spend some time together, and there are 17 of us. So we are trying it out. We tried to coordinate a conference call a few months ago and it was a disaster– we had to try again 3 times to propose a set of choices of times and I had to coordinate all of that by hand.
Hurray for Meeting Wizard! Let’s see how it goes– let me know if you’ve tried it.

Hey Lorie,
Thanks for adding me to your Clutterdiet email list. Your content is interesting and useful. You walk the walk on this. Most email lists, blogs, and sites give you nothing but clutter, but yours have already given me concrete, helpful ideas. It’s only a matter of time before the Clutterdiet blog and site really catch on. You can’t have content this great and not be successful!