Last night I went bowling. Frankly, I had a really rotten day, and I was glad it was our "family night" because I didn’t need to worry about dinner. It was my son’s turn to choose where we went, and we had a great time visiting the "300" bowling place here in Austin.
Now, I don’t bowl well (unlike our team member Yvette who is practically a pro!!). When I throw a gutter ball, it’s just part of the deal and I really don’t sweat it. Last night it really struck me that, after the gutter ball, you get a fresh new frame on your next turn. The pins are reset and you have a whole new chance!
I realized that we can have these "Gutter Ball Days" like the one I had yesterday, but the next morning we get a fresh new chance at another day. You just pick right back up. It’s no big deal! That really helped me to have a better time last night and a better day today. I wanted to share this insight with our readers, because so many of us are trying to get organized and trying to improve and achieve, and you can certainly have a discouraging day now and then. Treat those days like the insignificant "gutter balls" that they are, and don’t let them ruin the other, fresh new days in the future.
Move on forward!

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