It’s that time again…once a month I write a column for Connections for Women online magazine. This month’s theme is "Harvest- Reaping What You Sow." Here is an excerpt:
No farmer would ever expect to see a crop ready for harvest in a field unless he had first planted the seeds, watered them, and cared for the plants. In this same way, you cannot expect your home to be efficient and organized without investing time in certain habits, practices, and systems…
Read the entire article here to find out the five concepts I shared that you can continually apply.
And now for something completely different… my colleague Vicki Norris and I were in Parents Magazine together this month giving out tips on organizing your family’s home office. You can read that article here. I am embarrassed to say that I did not realize that my dear friend Vicki was blogging! She has shared this great idea in her blog that I wanted to share with you: "FriendScriptions."
The idea of FriendScriptions is that you share a magazine subscription with a friend, with the agreement that you get together once a month to pass on the magazine. One person receives it in their mailbox and hands it over to the other person at an arranged time over coffee, or as Vicki does it, with lavender scones and clotted cream! Vicki does everything with style. Visit her blog to read more about Vicki’s lovely get-together with her friend to share their Victoria magazine. Makes me want to call someone right now and reward myself with some good friend time!

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