When I was in high school and college, I had this procrastination habit of doing all of the little nagging things I “needed” to do first before sitting down to do the hard work of writing a research paper. I would make my bed, clean my room… I would organize things… I would make sure everything was all sewn up and done. It was good for knocking out a bunch of things on my list, but it was bad for the reason that I burned up important time that should have been used for writing my paper. The addictive element of this procrastination habit was that the tiny tasks felt “productive,” so it was an excellent rationalization.
Right now it’s time to prepare for the very imminent holidays, and what I see people doing a lot is looking for holiday “tips”—reading articles about reducing holiday stress, collecting new recipes, and watching TV segments with holiday gift ideas. Now, I am a Human Tip Dispenser, and I write tips every day on Twitter and put them out in the media frequently… BUT…
Tips help some, but they are NOT the answer– MASSIVE ACTION is the answer. There is no substitute for sitting down with a pad of paper and actually doing the work of your own real-life holiday planning, and then getting in your car and doing the errands and the other work required to make it happen. Don’t fool yourself! It’s time to do this, right now.
Here are some categories you can think through for your planning:
- Overall timeline for holidays
- Meal/event planning
- Guest arrangements
- Travel arrangements
- Gift purchasing & shipping
- Holiday card production & mailing
- Shopping for food
- Baking ahead
- Entertainment & activities
- Decorating & crafts
Sit down today and start writing some things down! You don’t need a specially decorated notebook, your laundry doesn’t have to be done first, and your kitchen doesn’t have to be perfectly clean. Just do it. Report back here in the comments!

Follow me on Twitter for my Daily #ClutterTweetTip: www.twitter.com/clutterdiet
I bought myself a little notebook today after reading this. I also bought little divider tabs. I labeled each: meals, gifts, cards, etc. I also gave myself deadlines so that I won’t wait until the last minute. I think I am going to make it through the holiday season this year without making myself too stressed.
Last year I used a simple Notepad (computer program) text file to track my shopping list. Now with my love of Google docs, I have a spreadsheet for this year.
I have my list of names and am putting my “ideas” next to that. As I purchase items or finalize my list, I’ll put that in my gift column. Hmmm, seems like I need a way to track what’s in my possession vs. what’s left to buy…
I also decided that each year I’ll just add a column in there so I can keep track of what I purchased in the recent past and not duplicate gifts.
Love the idea of just do it! Having the plan is just the first step, not the total project. Thanks Lorie for the accountability of reporting back too!
Ok, Lorie, you really nailed me on this one – I’m the one reading all the “tips”, etc, to “get ready” for the holidays. Thanks for pointing that out to me! I knew I wasn’t getting any closer, but I didn’t want to do the hard part. I will be sitting down very soon and making my plan and reporting back to you!
You are so right Lorie! It is time to start the planning and execution towards a wonderful Christmas, let alone the Thanksgiving meal. Having two jobs now I am bringing back the lists, the honey do’s, what ever is needed to keep on top of things. Great Post!
Thanks — I need to do this too! My first job will be to get the holiday cards ready to mail. And by the way, thank you for being inclusive by talking about “holidays,” since different people are celebrating different holidays at this time of year.
–Joyce R.
I do the work and then don’t document it,so since my holiday shopping is nearly done (!)now I need to keep track of what I have purchased so I don’t duplicate or forget what I bought and for whom.
I keep a tab in my planner labeled gifts and throughout the year as I purchase a gift I record it. This has saved me so many times from duplicating and it has saved me money too. If I keep the gift other than in my gift closet I also write where I have hidden them–I have been known to “lose” gifts.
Last year I started a spreadsheet to use when shopping for gifts. To stay on budget I put the cost of the gifts in a column so it is deducted from the total. I also do my mom’s shopping so I have a column for her too. It has kept me from going overboard like in years past.