"Whose turn is it to do the dishes?" "I took out the trash last time!" Getting your home organized definitely involves having morning and evening routines, as we often discuss with our Clutter Diet members. Yesterday I was in a bookstore and ran across something that completely solves these little squabbles and gets the family organized with their chores– and rewards.
It’s called Spintastik by Jennifer Nolan, and it’s a book similar to the "Klutz" series of craft books which has an actual large, colorful spinner built into the cover. It comes with pie-wedge-shaped stickers that you use to customize the spinner with chores and rewards for your family’s needs.
It makes the spinner the "bad guy" instead of mom or dad saying which chores have to be done. I love this idea! I noticed that you can get them used on Amazon for as little as $6.00 or so when I looked it up, so for that price, you certainly can’t go wrong giving it a try.
Win the chores lottery!

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