How many times have you had this conversation with someone about where to meet for coffee? Someone lives in one part of the city and you live on the opposite side– Where do you meet that is an equal distance and fair amount of driving for each of you, and then what place is there to meet in a less familiar part of town?
Today on I read about this website that uses Google Maps to allow you to settle this quickly and easily. It’s called A Place Between Us. What a time saver and decision making tool!
Put in your address and your friend’s, and the default is "Coffee," but you can type in Breakfast or Dinner or something else. The results were not as good for these, but I did try typing in Restaurant and it was better. I am trying to figure out what the engine is for the results. Anyway, using "Coffee" definitely will find the Starbucks in the area which is often the best choice. I am sure they will make this better over time.
Who could you have coffee with tomorrow? Try it out!

Lorie: Glad to hear that you enjoyed the site!
The results on are from Google’s Local Search. The results should be similar to what you do a search on the Google Map site (try “coffee near Boston”).
Starbucks comes up so often for the default “coffee” search that some folks have suggested a conspiracy!
I ventured into this site, entered “Los Angeles, CA” and “Austin, TX” and came up with a “Joe Perk” a coffee shop in New Mexico:
Want me to save you a seat?
– John