If you have a cluttered environment (or if you have teenagers) it can be easy to lose things in your home. Many people now have dispensed with land lines in their homes and rely only on a cellular phone. So what happens if you lose your cell phone in your house and you don’t have another phone to call yourself from to hear the ring and find it?
The answer: You can go to PhoneMyPhone.com and call yourself from their website, enabling you to hear the ringing and locate your phone. There are other uses… You can even schedule a time for it to call you, providing a great excuse to, as they put it on their home page, "end a sucky date early." I am sure you readers can think of all kinds of scenarios in which you could use a well-placed phone call to rescue you from something… a meeting, etc. Could be a great time management tool! (A better tool is to learn to say NO when you need to)
Here is another product used for finding things in your house: The Loc8tor. (photo here from Loc8tor’s website) You put Loc8tor tags on your keys, your remote controls, your iPod, even your pet. Then you use the locating device to lead you to the lost item with increasingly louder sounds indicating your search is bringing you closer to the item.
The trick is not losing the locating device…

Yes! I love these. And be careful who you give the location devices to. My husband took offense when I got one for him so we could end our weekly key hunt.
— Allison
Great–the site also has a way to schedule the calls. I love the idea of having clients use PhoneMyPhone.com to help them keep on schedule and not do “just one more thing” that keeps them from getting out the door on time. Plus, my cell phone only has three pre-set alarms, which I (sadly) use like a snooze alarm until the last possible moment. But a phone ringing will kick my wakey-wakey up a notch.
If only the PhoneMyPhone.com showed on the caller ID as something (anything) other than “private caller”, but I suppose they must be all things to all people if they’re going to get us out of bad dates and office meetings, just in case someone is violating our personal space. 🙂
THANK YOU for this information. It so gripes my family and me when I have to search for my planner which my family refers to as my brain. For a long time I have wished it could have a clapper so I could find it fast. You have solved my problem.
I have forced myself to develop and stick to two new habits. One is to use the same tote everyday (thus the blog); the second is to put my bag – with keys in the pocket – in the same place each time I come in the door.
I don’t lose my keys very often anymore, but I’m still working on the cellphone. We have a land line and I have had to call myself on occasion – how did you know? 🙂