Organizing your time has a lot to do with making decisions and getting clear on what you do and don’t want to do. Many people have trouble saying "NO" to requests because of guilt, obligation, or embarrassment. There is a great article in this week’s Time Magazine about William Ury’s book The Power of a Positive No: How to Say No and Still Get to Yes.
William Ury is a professional negotiator who wrote the famous book Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement without Giving In. He suggests discussing what you want instead of how to get there, and being open to creative options (a Plan B). He also suggests saying you "have plans," which can mean anything you want it to mean.
We learned a great phrase when my children were in Montessori school, which is "not available." If you say you are "not available," it somehow does not promote discussion or questions. It can be used for almost anything! Exercise your NO muscle today and free up time for what you really want.

This is great advice. My favorite ways to say “No” are:
1. “No” – it is simple and doesn’t require any explanation.
2. “Let me get back with you, I need to check my calendar”
David Siecker
America’s Best Communicator