Since I am on vacation this week, I am enjoying signing on and chiming in here with a few travel tips every few days. I hope it’s helpful!
The organized traveler knows to be prepared for all kinds of contingencies. Ideally, everyone would just carry on their luggage, but nowadays, that can be more challenging given the limitations on liquids, etc. I did check my bag coming here to Puerto Rico, and my bag was "delayed." They said that the plane was too heavy in Dallas, so they had to take some bags off. So luckily, it was never truly lost at any time, but it was just delayed getting to San Juan… they told me we’d probably have my bag by 2 or 3 o’clock the next day. Ha! I did not get my bag until 11:00am two days later.
Here is what I have learned about missing luggage:
- Never pack anything in a checked bag that you cannot live without. I was SO glad that I had packed my medication in my carry-on laptop case. However, what I really wished for was underwear and a change of clothing. Puerto Rico in June is not a place where you want to be wearing the same clothing more than one day in a row. I did buy a sundress in the hotel gift shop, but I would rather have had my own stuff. Think ahead for what you might need if your luggage doesn’t make it.
- If your bag gets delayed, if at all possible, arrange to pick up your own luggage instead of relying on the delivery service. The airline loves to take responsibility off of itself and put it on the delivery people– they said they gave my bag to the delivery service at 6pm and it should be delivered within 6 hours of that time. It did not arrive until the next day at 11:00 and nobody could tell me anything. It would have been great to just swing by the airport and pick up my bag myself that first day.
- Make sure you mark your bags well so they are easily identified. I was SO glad that I have a blue bag, not a black one, and that I could easily pick my bag out of a group. That way I was sure when it did not come through, and it was easier to explain to them how to identify it. FYI, they will ask you for something unique inside the bag that only you would know, so think about what that might be when you zip up your bag for the last time. And make sure there is something with your name and cell phone number on both the inside and outside of the bag (my paper airline luggage ID tag was ripped off when I finally got it).
- Look at it as an opportunity if you can. Thank God for 24-Hour Walgreens stores… I was able to pick up a toothbrush and some other toiletries late that night after we arrived. I was thinking it was kind of a cool opportunity to try some new stuff I don’t normally use. I tried a new toothpaste, a new facial sunscreen, and a new deodorant, and I liked them, so that was good information.
- Use a Stuffbak sticker for extra confidence. It did not get used in this situation, but I really felt better knowing that my bag had a sticker on it that says "Reward for Return" with a phone number on it. Stuffbak is one of those "wish I’d thought of that" companies who created a way to get laptops, luggage, cell phones, iPods, and anything else returned to you if you lose it. They have a proven 75% return rate! I went nuts over these stickers and gave them to everyone last year as stocking stuffers at Christmas.
- Visit for some great packing-light ideas.
I hope this helps someone else avoid inconveniences when they are trying to relax and get away– or worse, when you’re trying to work! I was so glad this happened when I did not have a presentation the next day to deliver. Be an organized traveler and learn from my misfortune!

I just returned from 8 days in the steamy Midwest with my 2 daughters ages 5 and 7. We flew a non-stop to Indianapolis from Seattle. The last time we made the trip our luggage went to Hawaii (darn, why couldn’t we have gone there, too?). That proved to me that even on a direct, non-stop flight they still lose your luggage. Even if you check it at the counter and not curbside.
So this time we made the trip entirely with carry-ons. It helped that it was summer and we were able to pack light skirts and blouses instead of sweaters. So it CAN be done, even with kids.
I packed 10 outfits and 1 pair shoes (in addition to the ones worn) for each of us. I did have to hand wash my bras since I only had four, but otherwise I did NO LAUNDRY when we were away. Now that’s what I call a vacation!
Hi, I came across your blog this morning while looking for travel tips 🙂 I notice you said you use blue tags instead of black so you can find your bags easier. I use Global Bag Tags for the same reason 🙂 They’re relatively small, silvery-blue and shiny and don’t display your name or other personal information on the tag itself. Happy travels!