What do you do with those leftovers and remnants of ingredients in your refrigerator before they go to waste? Thanks to digital goddess Kim Komando, I just learned about this great site from the UK where you can put in your leftover ingredients and –voila!– you get a recipe suggesting what to do with it! It’s called Love Food Hate Waste. It has many great features along with this leftovers tool, such as the scoop on food expiration dates.
I do consider myself a foodie, and I am in Foodie Heaven living here in Austin where we have the headquarters flagship store of Whole Foods Market, along with HEB’s Central Market stores, an astonishing number of excellent restaurants, and many other treats! My friend Monica Ricci is also a major foodie and needs to consider a second career as a food critic/writer! She just wrote a masterful recap of our delightful and lingering meal at "Home," a restaurant in Atlanta, last week. She would definitely know what to do with her leftovers without looking it up.
Do you have favorite resources for meal planning and using your leftovers? Comment here and share– Bon appetit!

Lorie, it was so great to see you! Christmas Boy loved dining with you too, and wasn’t HOME just wonderful? (not that we had any leftovers…) Hee hee.