I always try to pay attention to works of art in public places. I was in the Albany airport recently and ran into this large, striking, wooden sculpture in the middle of the hallway, entitled, "Lubber" by Dean Snyder. (click photo to enlarge) The plaque says, "Lubber is a name rather than a title. By definition it refers to a person that is out of sync with his environs. Commonly known… in the nautical expression, land-lubber, a person not acclimated to searfaring."
I am not quite sure if that is accurate from an etymology standpoint, but what caught my attention was the idea of "a person that is out of sync with his environs." So many people we help in our organizing work are just that. Their home and work environments are out of sync with what they want for their lives–their hopes, dreams, and goals are not reflected in or supported by the environment they are keeping. This state of being a "lubber" in your own home causes stress and discord with yourself and with your family.
Here are some thoughts and questions I'd like you to consider to motivate yourself to get organized and get in sync with your space:
- If I were organized, I could finally _______.
- If my home were clean, clear, and pleasant, how would it change how I feel about myself? How would it change my daily life?
- Is my home environment reflective of my deepest values, desires, and goals? If not, why?
- What am I afraid of? Is the state of my home providing me with an excuse for not pursuing something bigger?
- Do the things I am hanging onto keep me more in the past, or do they help me focus on the present and future?
- Are the things I am keeping truly serving me?
I hope you'll spend some time writing and thinking about those this week. If you liked this post, I would love for you to read this previous post I wrote after visiting the Blanton in Austin, about an artist who made a visual representation of her free time in a large plaster installation. Let me know what you think! (I was unfortunately about a week late in writing today's post in time for International Talk Like a Pirate Day— would have been perfect! Ahoy, lubber! Arrghh!)

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Getting organized has been the best gift I could give myself. I used to feel stressed and discouraged when I looked at the rooms of my house. Now, I feel pleased and gratified when I see the clear, useful spaces of my home. Much better for the blood pressure and mental health!
Love this post. Lubber may be my new word for the week! I do know that when my enviroment is tidy and clean I can accomplish anything. I want to know why I am driven to have my home clean and picked before I go on vacation. What is this about?
Seems like the saying should be sea-lubber (out of touch w/ the sea, not land!)