One of my favorite websites for a good laugh is "Wordspy." They capture newly-minted words in the English language and share them, with actual citations of the words’ usage in popular media. Here are a couple of new entries I thought our readers would appreciate:
carbage n. The garbage that accumulates in some cars, particularly in the back seat. [Blend of car and garbage.]
Here are some more from, another slang site:
Hummer house n. an overly large single-family residence.
Collyer n. a home excessively packed with junk, trash, or belongings. Also Collyer mansion, Collyer house, Collyer apartment. (referring to the Collyer brothers, infamous hoarders)
BlackBerry prayer n. the posture taken by users of the BlackBerry-brand personal digital assistant manufactured by RIM. (or stated another way, an odd new social ritual that sees BlackBerry users discreetly operate their devices at meetings behind cupped hands with heads intently bowed toward its tiny screen.)

Interesting i always try to get rid of clutter its amazing how you feel when you are in a tidy environment.
My kids have recently been heard saying, “Chilax”. A combo of chill out and relax. Too funny. Who knows if they coined it or have heard it somewhere…
Cloarding [cluttering + hoarding]
[also Cloarder-er]
spontainueously pops out of your mouth at the SF Hoarding & Cluttering Confrence or self help meeting mid sentance when Your brain can’t make up it’s mind which of the two words to say first.