I have been doing this for years, and it occurred to me that you might like to use my method for organizing stocking stuffer items prior to the big day.
Christmas stockings are a big deal in my family. There are usually some gag gifts given by the male family members. They love to shop at the "Dollar Store" for silly stuff to make us laugh. We females usually get super-practical stuff for each other like "chip clips" and other little household things. My brother, now in his 30s, still gets underwear in his stocking each year from my mother as a joke, because one time he complained about that when he was a kid (can’t say that I blame him for complaining!).
Because we start collecting these items well in advance, I use paper lunch sacks labeled with each person’s name to start dividing up the loot. That way on Christmas morning I already have it all out of its packaging and sorted, ready to hurry up and fill stockings and go back to my warm bed.
Here is a photo of how I arrange our paper sacks in boxes. (click the photo for a larger version) I keep these boxes in a hidden place in the house and just add to them as the weeks go by. I re-use the sacks each year (same people!).
Happy Holidays everyone!

That is a really good idea, thanks for sharing!
I’d like to hire 6 dozen Organizers to pre-sort Christmas stockings for me. You’ve got a great system going! And I could sure use some help…
What a great idea! I’m definitely going to start doing that for this year.
Hi I liked your note, add your site to your bookmarks.
Love this idea!
I love this! Just this year, I started collecting items in plastic bags but I love that the paper ones stand up, look nicer and are easier to fill. Thanks! I’ll be using this tip, for sure!
Thanks, Debra! I love it when a strategy hits home. Let us know how it works for you and if you find any improvements on this method.
Happy holidays!
I love this idea, as I usually don’t sort things until too close to Christmas!!
Thanks, Becky! I hope this system works well for you!
Happy holidays!