Do your kids have several video game consoles? Mine do. It is not something I am thrilled about! But they are really into it, and we do have limitations on their use. So here are a couple of tips on how an organizer gets the gamers organized!
First, the cords and cables. What an electronic octopus! It's worth it to take the time to properly fish them through the holes in the furniture. I have found a WONDERFUL switching gadget that keeps everything hooked up permanently without having to change cables when you want to play on a different console. It's from GameStop and it's called a "Universal System Selector"– $19.99. UPDATE 9/9/10: I apologize but this product seems to no longer be available at GameStop. I have searched for an alternative and inexplicably can't find one. Anyone know what people are doing for this now?
To control how much time is spent on these games, we have the Time Scout. It's a card reader that controls the power to whatever electronic device you have it hooked up with (TV, game console, etc.) Each child has a cartoon-decorated access card that they swipe to have a budgeted amount of time that you set. They get a warning beep at 5 and 10 minutes left, I believe. I do have one criticism– the cards' edges get frayed and start to peel apart. We have replaced them once and need to replace them again. You can put in the coupon code "clutterdiet" and you'll get 10% off your order.
Enjoy your children more not having to be the "video game police!" It sure has made a difference for us.

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