I am so excited to share with you our new free "Wallet Reminder Sleeves!" They help you prevent clutter from coming in your door with a reminder of the five questions you should always ask before purchasing… Take a look at this one-minute video to see how they work: (click here if you can’t see the embedded video player)
I was inspired by a similar design created by a nonprofit who encourages people to reduce consumption and spend less, and I asked their permission to use the basic layout of these wallet sleeves with my own content on them. They said yes, and when I offered to give them a link to credit them for the idea, they said they are not allowed to affiliate themselves in any way with a for-profit company. So, I offer them a secret nod right here and a thank you!
Everyone who is already on our newsletter list or is a paid Clutter Diet member will receive a link for these tomorrow in our Just A Bite newsletter. Sign up for our free tips today to get your own wallet reminder sleeves! Subscribers also get our 12-page report "30 Ways to Find Time to Get Organized."
Do you typically "think before you buy," or have impulsive purchases contributed to your clutter at home? Comment here and let us know!

Great idea Lorie! I think I’ll print a few of those and keep them on hand for my clients who over shop. Congrats for thinking ‘ahead’ of the clutter game.
I love the sleeve idea. I have questions on a business card but the sleeve is great!
I have signed up for the news letter. I am looking for the reminder wallet sleeves to test out this idea. I have been getting other emails from clutter diet, but have yet to get the sleeve template… please help. I am hoping this idea works for me, if so, it is just the first step, but I am ready to run with it. I just want to test it out first. thank you!
Hi Joe- we will follow up with you privately, but for other readers– here is the process:
You go to https://www.clutterdiet.com/wallet to sign up for the newsletter. You will receive a confirmation e-mail. You MUST confirm your subscription by clicking the link. This is called “double-opt-in” subscribing and prevents spam and phony signups. After you confirm you’ll receive our welcome e-mail with links for the bonus items (wallet sleeves and free report). If you don’t receive either of these, please check your junk mail folders as they may have been filtered out.
Thank you, everyone!
– Lorie