By Vannessa Jackson
Spring is right around the corner, which means so is the dreaded task of spring cleaning. I don’t know about you, but since the holidays, it seems like the level of clutter in my apartment has gone up significantly, and my place is starting to feel very unorganized. Is anyone else feeling like they are suffocating in a surplus of random stuff all around your house? It’s time to start the much needed task of clearing out the old to welcome the new.
Now, spring cleaning doesn’t have to be miserable, there are actually some tips and tricks to help make this the most productive season for you. For instance, Goodwill has the Give Back Box, which allows you a way to send your stuff in the same boxes you may have received other online goods in – free of charge! Goodwill spokesperson, organizing expert, and founder of the Clutter Diet, Lorie Marrero, shares her tips for staying clutter free and organized this spring.
Click here for easy tips for cleaning out a cluttered closet…
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