Closed September 2017

Recalibrate Your “Enough” Meter

Autumnleaves2 It's November already, and Thanksgiving is coming right up (first we all have to VOTE- don't forget)! I have grown to like Thanksgiving almost more than any other holiday, because it's when we focus on gratitude. I just wrote my monthly article for Connections for Women, which is abridged here. Click here to read the article in its entirety.

When we are grateful we are more in touch with what “Enough” means. I mean Enough with a capital “E”… the sense of being abundant, satisfied, happy, peaceful, and content in all areas of your life. Enough means you know when to stop buying, eating, doing, and accumulating.

Even in a troubled economy, we still have tremendous choices and a bounty of consumer products available in our country. Given this abundance, having a clear sense of Enough is crucial to getting control of both physical and mental clutter in your life. Sometimes I have worked with people whose “Enough meter” clearly needs to be recalibrated. They have too many toys for their children, too many clothes (many unworn with the tags still on them), too much food in the pantry, too many cosmetics, more books and magazines than could possibly ever be read, scattered unfinished projects of various kinds, rented storage units, too many activities and responsibilities, and a collection of other unused belongings that continues to accumulate despite the excess. Many times people with a faulty “Enough meter” have a body weight problem as well.

Gratitude is the first step to a cure… and is one of the best ways to recalibrate your “Enough meter.” Oprah and so many others have encouraged us to keep a Gratitude Journal, and for good reason. It really works! Writing down what you are grateful for each day (most experts suggest five things) is a way to focus your mind on what you have and get your mind off what you don’t have.

In our Clutter Diet program we talk about how getting organized is very much like losing weight, and in just the same way that you should push your plate away when you’re full, you can stop acquiring “stuff” and prevent clutter from getting in the door. Remember…you do Enough, you have Enough, and you are Enough.

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Filed under: General

One Comment

Crystal D.

Lorie, thanks so much for this blog post. I wholeheartedly agree: knowing how to be happy with what we already have – especially when it comes to buying and accumulating – comes from being grateful. As I see it, unhappiness and dissatisfaction are some of the biggest factors at work in cluttered homes.
Best regards,
Crystal D.
Sparkleizer and Home Organization Expert


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