Thank you to everyone for your support and your votes. We did not win the award, but as always, it is a true honor to be a finalist! Here are the winners for this year’s awards. I will post some photos here later… Update: Here are a few photos (thumbnails below, click for larger images)!
Best Organizing Product Retailer
Container Store
Best Closet Design Firm
California Closets
Best Garage Design Firm
Garage Envy
The Green Award for Most Ecofriendly Organizing Product or Service
Hecht of an Organizer
Best Office Organizing Product
Kangaroom Stackable File
Best Home Organizing Product
Securita Vital Records PortaVault
Most Helpful Organizing Technology
Kangaroom Phone/PDA Charging Station
Best National Organizing Show
Mission Organization
Best Organizing Book
Patience and the Porsche, Valentina Sgro
Best Organizing Magazine
Organize Magazine
Best Organizing Blog or Website
Your Life…Organized, Monica Ricci
Most Valuable Educational Resource
Best Organizer as Coach or Mentor
Jean Furuya
Most Innovative Organizer
Dorothy Breininger
Most Supportive or Organizer-Friendly Charity
National Council of Jewish Women
Me with my lovely blogger friend and very special overall person, John Trosko, from the OrganizingLA blog!
Joyce Dorny, editor of Organize Magazine, with me and Deborah Shearer from
More photos to come when I get them… I should have some "red carpet" ones from that night soon (these were from a brunch event the next day).

Great photos of you Lorie. I just looked on NAPO LA site for list of winners, couldn’t find it. Thanks for posting here! Sorry you didn’t win. I’m sure you will next year!