Professional organizers can often feel like we are walking a thin line between helping with clutter and being a substitute therapist for our clients. Getting organized can sometimes relate to some "issues" in your life; for example, we often notice that our clients’ homes can be roughly a projection of how they are feeling personally. If they are suffering from depression, it does show in the way the home is cared for.
There was an article from the Wall Street Journal this past week entitled "Why the Container Store Guy Wants to Be Your Therapist." The article explains that retailers of organizational products like closet companies and home improvement centers are now catching on to this link between emotional needs and organization. The article highlights a few marketing campaigns that have latched on to this idea and explains that retailers are now training their floor staff to probe more when emotional issues are hinted to in the sales conversations.
The reason retailers are catching on to this is that it is absolutely true. What organizational issues are the biggest for you? If you dig deep, you’ll probably find there is something there about procrastination or even passive-aggressive issues between you and your spouse! ("I would put my papers away if he would just stop leaving his clothes on the floor!") Think about it and see if this is true for you. I guess this gives a whole new meaning to skeletons in your closet!

In the UK at least, Depression is now the THIRD biggest reason to visit a GP and yet, outside of the medical field, very few people understand what Depression is all about.
Please forgive the ‘sales pitch’ but you might just be interested in a brand new DVD just released by my company called EVERYTHING YOU ALWAYS WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT DEPRESSION and presented by a friend of mine, UK Consultant Psychiatrist Dr Darryl Britto, who made the DVD especially for Depression patients and those training in the medical field. He discusses the myths about Depression, as well as its causes, symptoms, diagnosis, the various treatment including antidepressants, Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, and Social Intervention, and then goes on to discuss prognosis (outcomes of treatment.) MORE INFO AT:
Cheers, John Edmonds, CEO, TimeTrappers