It’s that time of year again! People are loading up the truck and moving to new places and new spaces. I want to thank my friend Monica Ricci for showcasing our SpaceScaping® Kitchen Organizing System in her blog today! This is a product I developed after working on many move-in jobs with clients with boxes and boxes of kitchen stuff to unpack. The labels help you save time by planning your kitchen before unpacking everything and changing your mind… and then they help you find things faster temporarily until you get used to the new space. Monica advocates using them permanently on the INSIDE of the cabinets, so that others who might be cleaning or sharing your kitchen space can refer to the labels when putting things away. Great strategy!
In celebration of our appearance on Monica’s blog, I will be giving away 3 sets of the SpaceScaping® Kitchen Organizing System labels to our readers! To enter, just comment here, and I will pick the winners by random number drawing on July 2nd. (one entry per person, please!)
I look forward to announcing the winners next week!

I’m in the process of moving from FL to VA so I could definitely use this! I sure hope I win. Thanks for your generosity. Clara
I’m not moving in the near future, but have two teenage sons who do the dishes every night and the labels (inside the cabinets) would be FAB to encourage them to put stuff away where it belongs!
I recently got married. My husband and I are working on getting our newly consolidated kitchenwares better organized. Thank you for the chance to win this system!
I hope I’m a lucky winner! I think your web site is GREAT!!!
I think they are really nice. Large print, too–easy on the eyes and not too complicated.
I’d love to win a set!!
I think these would be a good tool for someone looking to overhaul their kitchen organization as well as someone moving to a new kitchen. I’ve got it on my plan to grab a set when I get brave and attack spacescaping the kitchen!
I think these will help my move in August. Good Luck to all!
Just moving in less than a week – should would come in handy.
Boy, I’m going to be moving soon and givn the state of our kitchen now, I’d dare say we could use a little help getting off on the right foot!
OMG, Lorie, these look awesome! I’ll definitely be ordering them (unless I win) a set for my next move. And, of course, I’ll be recommending them to all the organizers I know!
Clyde Lerner
I love your website and sure would love to win this. Thanks! Char
You helped me organize my kitchen with these 2 years ago. They were so helpful and now that I am facing another move, I need more!
I use to sell tupperware and i have them in my kitchen on my container’s. I abslouty love them as I throw away the box’s. Unfortunealy I ran out of them. I would love to have more.
You would think that people would remember to put things back where they got it, but that just doesn’t happen in a house of 6. I don’t know if it’s just boys but if I had the system, I know there would not be any excuse since they can all read. It would also help as we are remodeling and the excuse would be “they don’t know where anything goes”! Big surprise!!!!! Thanks for coming up with the system.
I would love to have tools to organize my very small kitchen! Thank you for having this contest!
Such a great idea to ease the pain of moving! And I like the idea of using them to label the inside of the cabinets. Even after years my husband still asks where do you keep…?
or leaves clean dishes on the stove cuz he doesn’t know where to put them…
I imagine these might help with seniors who have memory challenges to cope with too!
With young children in the house just starting chores, it would be an great benefit, especially when we have such a small kitchen. They can just read and put everything it it’s place.
I would love to win a set as I’m deseperate to get my house organized and get my kids to put things away properly!
Thank you.
Wow. These are an amazing idea! Wish I had had a set 2 yrs ago when I helped unpack a friend after a move!
Hi Lorie
I have a set (love ’em)
I recently took them when meeting a new client to demonstrate the level of detail a PO will go to – compared to letting the moving company unpack.
Thanks for making me look prepared and professional.
Joy @ Omnibus Organizing, California
I am so thankful that I found your site because the info is so helpful and well organized. I’ve told many friends about it. Thanks for having the giveaway.
your site has really helped me organize my home and for that i thank you very much!! i dont know what i would do without you site… and thank you for having the givaway…i hope i win. thanks again!!
I love the idea of adding this to the inside of the cabinets. Also, a big thanks for the information you send out to keep us informed and motivated.
I have a small kitchen with high upper cabinets and deep lower cabinets. What’s the trick to accessing the things in hard to manage places! I am curious to see the grouping of your labels.
I just remodeled my Kitchen and with kids ranging in ages 8-13 helping put dishes away, my dishes are now a disaster waiting to happen. I need a system to help all of us put things away in the right place.
Thanks for holding this contest!!
What a good idea! I’m sure the labels would be a great help.
I love your website and great tips. We’re moving 3 kids and a dog in a few weeks, your labels would be an amazing help.
I have purchased the Simple Division® Garment Organizers
and love them; especially for my husband’s side of the closet. I can’t wait to get my hands on the SpaceScaping® Kitchen Organizing System. I know that I will win one. I love being organized.
I’m actually moving this weekend and the first week of July, including all new furniture. It’s a nerve wracking process but being organized has really helped me keep things moving AND keepmy sanity!
Personlly, I have found it easier to photograph the interior of the cabinet and tape the photo to the inside door.
I love your closet hanger organizers. I have the luxury of having a cleaning woman to do my laundry and put my clothes away, I tagged the closet pole organizers, in English and Spanish and wow! It’s amazing, she can put the clothes away in the proper sections and I can find them.
Look for me to blog about this in the next week or two at my blog.
I’m not moving, but I could sure use some better organization in my kitchen!
Hi Lori: I saw this product some time ago, and thought it was wonderful and the price VERY reasonable, but I don’t have any plans to move, so I passed it by. After reading Monica’s post, however, I’m seeing this product in a totally different light. I have a roommate with two teen-age children that NEVER put anything back in the same place twice. This product would be perfect for my CURRENT situation, and I don’t even have to move to use it! I can see how this would be good for MOST families that would like the kids to help around the house a little more. And now that I think about it, I’m going to get one for my daughter so she can encourage her husband to put things back where they belong!!
These look dandy!
Would love to win this…we just moved into our new home and am amazed how much stuff was in storage! I see a yard sale in our future…
after six distant moves, I can’t imagine a tool more useful! Thank goodness there is help around the corner~~
I am in the middle of a nightmare kitchen remodel (my happy hubby is insisting on doing it himself) and these could really be a lifesaver!! Thanks for all you do to help us improve our homes and lives!!
I’m a REALTOR, and am always looking for good ideas for gifts for my clients. This looks like it would make a great house-warming present, but I’d like to try it myself first, so winning a set would be perfect! Do you offer bulk discounts?!
I love the labels. I ordered them the first time I saw them. I am always looking for things. I would love to win so I can give these to my daughter. Thanks so much for sharing.
My husband and I will be moving early in August. This will be our first move, so any help organizing our things would be greatly appreciated!
I liked your article about using hanging bags to organize thin objects. We’re moving in August, so the organizing system would be really useful!
I think the kitchen organization system is a wonderful idea. My family’s excuse is they don’t know where anything goes so they leave it for mom to do. If I won, I could re-organize and my family would have to help because now there would be no excuse about not knowing where items went.
I just moved 3 months ago into a temporary apartment, and will be moving again in 4 months into a permanent townhouse. This system would certainly come in handy!
I did a DIY version of this when I moved house in December (I’ve only recently discovered your site, via a cyber-friend who is a PO)and it really helped me to plan in advance. Now I’d like to have a permanent system in place so that other people using the kitchen can find things and put them away too!
I’m not moving, but I could sure use some better organization in my kitchen! We have people over all the time. I do have two friends that are moving and will suggest they use them.
I think this is a great site and a great contest! I move in 4 weeks! i could really use this for organizing my stuff.
I have moved to a new place and still have a disaster. I will love to win!