Closed September 2017

Save Tons of Time on the Phone!

Phonekeypad2I just found out from Kim Komando that there is this great site called "BRINGO" at that lets you immediately talk to a human being when you’re trying to call a big company, like a lender, insurance company, or airline. You go to their site, find the company you want to speak with, enter your phone number, and they call YOU back.

I just tried it with AT&T/Cingular. First Bringo calls you, and I mean IMMEDIATELY, and you press # to verify your number. That is a one-time set up. Then they call you back again and you are connected. When I tried it, the guy answered "hello," so it was really very direct, definitely not a main public line! This saves tons of time vs. navigating through a confusing system and waiting in the queue!

Another way to save time on the phone (and aggravation!)…When you need to do complex calling between multiple parties, such as calling a health care provider and an insurance company to explain who has paid whom… it’s great to do 3-way calling and add in both parties so they can hear what each other are saying. You get rid of the volleying-of-responsibility problem that you often run into in these situations. I have done this many times with disputes in health insurance, and I am sure you can think of other instances that this is helpful. Many people have 3-way calling on their phones and never use it.

Try Bringo and let us know in the comments how you liked it and what happened. I’m a believer!


Monica Ricci

Lorie, don’t you just love Kim Komando? I love this concept,too!! I will definitely try it. I have also used a web site called which tells you what to push to talk to a real live human being at hundreds of companies. Navigates you right around the voicemail hell we’re so often stuck in!


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