Since we started the Clutter Diet membership site in November 2006, we have tried to have a lot of fun with the analogy between the personal changes of weight loss and getting organized. One of our favorite ways to play with this analogy is our members’ losing "Clutter-Pounds"(sm). Each week our members "weigh in" with how many bags of trash or boxes of donations they have taken out of the house, and they also get credit for their time spent organizing.
Lifetime Television just asked me to write a quiz for their newly redone website, continuing this theme of Clutter-Pounds. Click here to take the quiz and find out if you have a "Plump Palace," a "Slender Shelter," or other results, along with some professional advice for your situation.
I have not been writing as much this week as I am still dealing with the loss of my hard drive. I finally got the replacement part yesterday after some unbelievable wrangling with IBM’s customer service. Now, restoring the data and reinstalling things is taking up a lot of time. Even if you have everything backed up and you are prepared, a hard drive crash is still an incredible productivity loss.
Let me know how you like the Clutter-Pounds quiz! Comment here with your results, if you like!

I love this post! Yes, our homes should be put on a diet. 🙂
I added you to a great list called the Personal Development List here: Feel free to participate if you would like. Thanks.
I took the survey… very cool. Thankfully we are only a family of 4, who live in a small house which doesn’t allow for accumulating things… or I’m sure the outcome of the assessment would have been different.
Regarding IBM… I use a Mac !