I have a client who receives large amounts of highly confidential information in CD and DVD format. She uploads the information to her own hard drive, but then she cannot just throw the CD in the trashcan.
Have you ever tried breaking a CD? It shatters and splinters and it’s kind of dangerous. It’s easy to cut yourself or get a shard of plastic in your eye ("You’ll put your eye out!" LOL)
Just wanted you to know there are such things as "media shredders." They mince up the CDs into tiny, shiny bits. If this is a common need of yours, it might be worth it to add this piece of equipment to your office. Some better paper shredders also have this capability, so if you are purchasing one, definitely look for this feature. Have you thought about the vulnerability of your digital media?

My kids help in this regard.
Step 1: Find a concrete sidewalk
Step 2: Put CD/DVD on sidewalk, label-side-down (i.e. upside-down)
Step 3: Play “The Twist” by Chubby Checker, and teach you children how to twist on each CD.
Works like a charm!
A lot of people over look that important information can be stored on CDs and DVDs. Many of the paper shredders on the market today are capable of shredding digital media. I know that Fellowes offers a cross cut paper shredder that has a special slot for digital media.
Haha, love the kid-technique for getting rid of CDs, but for those in the office environment, there are slightly more quiet machines. My office just purchased a Fellowes shredder…judging by the comment before mine, that’s a good choice! Here’s what we used to make the decision: http://wize.com/shredders/for/disc/16736
Great knowledge , media shredders are perfect for CD’s shredding , as these can be used as source of crime , use it as perfect usage in your offices .
You are doing a great job by providing such awareness, shredding digital stuff can be found here http://www.shredderwarehouse.com