I had an incident with my wonderful husband Friday, whom I will try to embarrass as little as necessary in this post… let's just say it involved a lost car registration sticker. (I love you, honey!) But it was very time-consuming and annoying for both of us. He is someone who fortunately is very neat… Read more »
Posts Tagged: “home organization”
Be a Force of Nature!
I collect quotes, and I just ran into this one that I couldn't wait to share with you: "This is the true joy in life, the being used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one; the being thoroughly worn out before you are thrown out on the scrap heap; the being a… Read more »
Summerize the House for Kids
It's summertime again, and that means for many of you, the kids are out of school and probably underfoot a little more than usual– in a good way! It's wonderful to spend more time together as a family, but there are challenges that come with the togetherness, usually related to the common areas of the… Read more »
The Most Important Organizing Tool You Already Have
I recently read The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin (click here to see hardcover book at Amazon, click here to see Kindle version). It's a great book — the subtitle is "Or, Why I Spent a Year Trying to Sing in the Morning, Clean My Closets, Fight Right, Read Aristotle, and Generally Have More Fun." … Read more »
Spare Me: The Seven Rules of “Spare”
I woke up somehow this morning with thoughts of spares… spare stuff, spare time, picking up the spare, spare ribs, spare some change, spare parts, can you spare a square… Welcome to my randomness! Let's spin it into organizing gold, shall we? 🙂 Spare stuff means having extra… having an alternate or auxiliary item…being prepared… Read more »
3 Ways to Turn Your Clutter into Cash!

Wouldn't it be great if you could turn your clutter into some good old-fashioned green cash? According to an eBay/Nielsen survey, the average American household has about $3000 worth of valuable items waiting to be cashed in! Here are three ways to capitalize on fashion mistakes, impulse purchases, and things that have outlasted their usefulness…. Read more »
Is Your Stuff Speaking to You? What Is It Saying?
I was just writing responses in our member message boards today (our expert team provides unlimited consultation to our members 7 days a week, in case I haven't told you!). One of our members is saving a wheelchair that used to be her mother's, just in case she might need it herself someday. It got… Read more »
E is for “Efficient”
This is the fifth post in a series on our N.E.A.T.E.R. definition of what it means to be organized. For the last few weeks I have been talking more in depth about what each one of these words means. Our Definition of "Organized:" Not Perfect, but…Effective– doing what works bestAlways improvingTrue to your styleEfficient- not wasting… Read more »