Closed September 2017

Posts Tagged: household management

Never Do Laundry Again

Yes, you heard me… never do laundry again! I just figured out how to make that happen. Recently I was doing some journaling on the question my friend Wendy Lipton-Dibner poses in her book, Shatter Your Speed Limits: "If I woke up tomorrow morning and magically found I had everything I truly wanted, how would… Read more »

Great Moments in Kitchen History

This week I was in New York on a media tour for Staples, as I am currently working with them as a spokesperson for some fun new office products and some great tried and true ones too! More about that later… During my trip I got to visit the Museum of Modern Art (MOMA) to… Read more »

Sorry, That’s Just My Policy

I'm sure you've been frustrated before by some store clerk who stood behind a "policy," not giving you what you wanted… something like a 14-day return policy or a receipt-required policy. Your teachers in school probably had a policy for make-up work when you missed class, and your employer has lots of policies about vacation… Read more »

I Have Sworn Off These Things!

I am continually inspired and impressed by our Clutter Diet® members… last week in our member message boards, one of our very active and participating members started a thread called "I have sworn off these things!" She wrote a list and declared she would not buy any more candles, sweaters, shoes, cookbooks, or purses. She… Read more »

Spare Me: The Seven Rules of “Spare”

I woke up somehow this morning with thoughts of spares… spare stuff, spare time, picking up the spare, spare ribs, spare some change, spare parts, can you spare a square… Welcome to my randomness! Let's spin it into organizing gold, shall we?  🙂 Spare stuff means having extra… having an alternate or auxiliary item…being prepared… Read more »

Top 5 Common Household Objects You Can Use to Get Organized

While there are many excellent specialty organizing products out there (including our own!), don't always feel like you have to trek down to a specialty store to get organized… there are plenty of household items you have around already! Here are my top five favorites: Rubber bands. I was just sorting some map colors with… Read more »

R is for “Ready for Anything”

This is the last post in a series on our N.E.A.T.E.R. definition of what it means to be organized. For the last few weeks I have been talking more in depth about what each one of these words means. (You can click on any of these in the list below to jump to the previous posts.) Our… Read more »

Windex Here, Windex There, Windex Everywhere?

People often ask me how to organize their cleaning supplies… the main question being whether you should store the supplies together in a central location, or have duplicate supplies throughout the house in each bathroom or on each floor? The answer– it depends! Let's look at some of the factors: Who is cleaning? If you have… Read more »

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