For those of you with piles of donation items to take to Goodwill, the Salvation Army, or other worthy charities, remember that you should donate your stuff before December 31st to get a tax deduction for it for 2007.
We are fans of using It’s Deductible software, which is bundled with some editions of TurboTax and also available online. It’s like the "Blue Book" for household items, telling you what your stuff is really worth. It’s Deductible has done all the research in thrift shops and even on eBay to get the right numbers. People generally grossly underestimate the value of their donated household items. Did you know, for example, that a bridesmaid dress in excellent condition is worth $22.00 in charitable contributions?
Get credit for all of those lost Clutter-Pounds(SM) where it counts– in your wallet!

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