January 18, 2010

by Cloe Cabrera
A haphazard pile of jeans and purses overwhelmed the hamper. Piles of shoes cluttered the closet floor. And hangers sagged from the weight of too many clothes.
My side of the walk-in closet was no longer walkable; it was a place I dreaded visiting, despite my love for clothes. And to make matters worse, I share my closet with the neatest man in the whole world.
I decided to clean up my act for the New Year and, I hope, for good.
So I turned to Lorie Marrero, a certified organizing expert and author of “The Clutter Diet” (Reason Press, $17.95). She also runs www.clutterdiet.com, a Web site devoted to getting organized.
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URL: http://www2.tbo.com/content/2010/jan/18/10-steps-accessible-organized-closet/
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