Well, it was bound to happen… "the backlash." This NY Times article entitled "Saying Yes to Mess" features several books now coming out about how being messy is good. One is called The Perfect Mess: The Hidden Benefits of Disorder." Another is called "Yearnings: Embracing the Sacred Messiness of Life." These authors are quoted as saying that mess is natural. Well, so is decay…
But just like anything, moderation is the key! Of course you can go to extremes with anything. If someone wants to embrace their mess, that’s fine with me. I am just here to help all of the people whose mess is causing anxiety and lost time and opportunities and money.
I agree with Jerrold Pollak, a neuropsychologist quoted in the article, who says, “It’s chasing an illusion to think that any organization — be it a family unit or a corporation — can be completely rid of disorder on any consistent basis.” That is absolutely true, and I teach people all the time that being organized does not by any means imply perfection. Perfection is an unattainable goal.
Anyway, do read this article and I would love to hear comments. I think it’s all about being who you want to be! If you want to be messy, please do– and if you want to make changes, we can help you. Live and let live. Happy Holidays.

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