Remember how Bambi and the other animals in the forest talked about being "twitterpated?" Well, I am kind of twitterpated over "Twitter." Some of you might have noticed my little "Twitter Updates" feed in the right sidebar of my blog page. It’s kind of like a mini-blog. When I first heard about it, I thought, "I don’t have time for this!" and "WHO CARES about what people are doing?" (logo shown is from Twitter’s website)
I decided to try it. These guys over at Common Craft have done another cool video (like their one explaining RSS) that explains Twitter and why it matters. Here’s why I like it: I really believe that you have more joy in your life when you express gratitude and just capture that joy and celebrate it. There are so many joyful things in my life that are small and I wanted to have a place to share those, like making a new friend, seeing the first bluebonnets of the season, and other little things that are too small to tell anyone about by themselves, but added up and collected sure do make me happy when I read them. So it doesn’t really matter to me if anyone "cares" what I saw or did today, it’s really something I am writing for myself to celebrate life’s little joys. And hopefully, someone does care and wants to celebrate those things too.
It just takes a few seconds to text-message a quick thought to Twitter from my phone, and it makes me remember what I loved about my day. I hope you think it’s cool too and that you will soon be twitterpated over Twitter!

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